Sunday, August 18, 2013

Real Estate Property Taxes - Tactics And Property Tax Reform

By Wendy Marshall

High property taxes create havoc on many homeowners over stressed budgets. Cumbersome methods of assessing properties based on fair market value unduly penalize property owners who are left to the whims of the market or run away government spending.

Many sell their homes and move to a different state or area of the country when property taxes get too ridiculous. Government excess and waste are often to blame. Sometimes just a simple property tax appeal can bring your taxes down.

Real estate property assessments should be neutral and the jargon easy to understand. They should be based on a simple and transparent basis. One suggestion is that the taxes should only be based on the original acquisition costs not a constantly changing assessment.

A different idea that has been advanced is to treat real estate as you would any other capital purchase such as an automobile. A property owners tax is paid upon purchase. If the real estate is later sold for a capital gain, another tax could be levied.

Capping property taxes to the cost of living or a small fixed percentage is another solution offered. This benchmark could only be overturned by a popular vote for a larger increase on a one-time basis.

The best property tax appeal is the one you do yourself if you have a good guide at your disposal. After all, who knows your house and neighborhood better than yourself? Hiring others such as appraisers and attorneys is an expensive route with no guarantee for success.

Follow your insight. If you think you're paying too much in real estate taxes, you should make it your business to look into it using an effective guide. There you'll be shown exactly what to regard, if you qualify and how to put together a winning appeal.

Don't settle for any literature that calls itself a property tax guide if it does not show you how to determine values for adjustment differences in areas of age of home, location of home, view, etc . You'll want a workable guide that instructs you with right deviations for likely adjustments and points out all the adjustments that allow you to win the optimum amount.

Hefty property tax hikes loom for many communities as tax assessors send out annual property tax forms. Are you a candidate for a property tax appeal? A property tax appeal will change that.

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