Sunday, February 16, 2014

Important Facts On The FHA Loan

By Matt Baumberger

An FHA loan is a type of credit provided by the federal housing administration. This government agency falls under the department of housing and urban development and provides this mortgage to protect financiers. Lenders are protected against the consequences that may arise when a borrower is no longer able to repay the money that he had borrowed.

An individual shopping for this kind of credit will have several options available to him. Visiting the mortgage marketplace will be an ideal starting point. Here, you can submit a request for an advance and you will then expect to receive quotes that have been customized from multiple lenders.

Any credit advanced to a borrower will always come with fixed repayment duration. The duration for this credit will vary on two factors; the amortization terms provided and the accompanying LTV ratio. You can also go through the accompany charts so as to get a better understanding of what happens.

The requirements for this advance are pretty straightforward. To begin with, an applicant must have a steady employment history. The applicant must have worked with one employer for a period of more than two years and must have a social security number.

A down payment will be required from each applicant. The percentage required for a down payment is usually about three percent. It can also be raised by being gifted by family members of the total sum required.

Your front end ration will be calculated in order to see if you meet the requirements. When calculated, it is important that it be below thirty one percent of total gross income. Calculations will involve looking at payment of mortgages, property taxes and insurance payments for both the mortgage and the home.

Back end ratio is also calculated. The back end ration involves looking at total amount of money used in repayment of debts. In an ideal situation, the total percentage should not exceed forty three percent of income received.

The FHA loan is very advantageous. It is considered the easiest type of mortgage to apply for. This is because it only requires a small amount of money as down payment, and also one need not have a perfect credit rating.

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