Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Home Inspection Atlanta Ga Professionals Can Do Will Save You Trouble

By Elaine Guthrie

The transaction that is the selling and buying of a house is critical to get right. This means that there should be no surprises on either side of the deal. With every house, there are things that happen that are not known. Some of these may impact the safety of the occupants and others are purely cosmetic. Regardless of whether you are selling or buying, you want to have the home inspection Atlanta GA professionals offer to check everything out.

The large number of professionals, in Atlanta, GA, that can perform these inspections mostly come from the construction trades. These people used to work as an electrician, a plumber or even a framer or other person often found on a construction site. Be wary of hiring a construction or a remodeling company to inspect this house, especially if you have already told them that whatever they find, they can fix. They might just find a few things that are not a major concern.

The time it takes to complete a thorough check of this house should take between two and five hours. There are a lot of things to look at. Most of them will have checklists they will be consulting and this is important so they do not miss anything. Others will also look in on things they consider their pet peeves. If you need something else looked at, let them know.

Roofs are important to check out. They will walk the roof, checking for soft spots and any missing or loose shingles, venting needing attention or chimneys that need care. Gutters will get their attention as will the down spouts needed to direct rain water away from the foundation. Other items will be listed and checked out.

The air conditioning as well as heating systems are critical for your comfort. These professionals are not necessarily looking out for your comfort, but they do report as to whether these systems are operating properly and can be expected to operate for a few more years. Thermostats are examined and all electrical connections are tested. Ducting is also looked at.

Attics are a concern as this is where molds may be hiding. If this is not dealt with, it can grow and move from this hidden area into the living spaces. Insulation will be examined to determine type, quantity and installation. All concerns will be noted on their checklist for further discussions. Water heaters, electrical systems and washer and dryer will be checked out.

All of the appliances, including the water heater, that will be sold with the house will be looked at. The stove, refrigerator, washer and dryer as well as the dishwasher will be checked for proper operation. A note will be made on the inspection report about how long, in the experts opinion, they will last in their current condition.

This report, whether good or bad, overall, is critical for both the buyer and seller. The buyer wants to know about anything that can inhibit their enjoyment of their new home. The seller wants to know about things they really should have a conversation with the buyer about.

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