Thursday, July 14, 2016

Planning A Luxury Resort Belize Vacation

By Patrick Perry

The Caribbean coast is a favored vacation location for those wealthy enough and adventurous enough to take advantage of it. The Central American country of Belize is one of its most desired destinations. There are various luxurious accommodations to choose from with every amenity you can think of. They help make planning a luxury resort Belize vacation very enticing. This area boasts natural beauty and an ancient civilization to explore.

For those unfamiliar with the area, this country boasts an ancient culture, one steeped in Mayan tradition. The civilization walked the beaches and built their immense cities right where you will be touring if you travel to this destination. The Mayan culture is well known to archaeology buffs, art historians, and international explorers. Anyone who is interested in how these fascinating people lived, worked, and prayed will be delighted by all the region has to offer. It also a plus that most current citizens speak excellent English.

The Mayans are an ancient civilization that inhabited this land at one time. Their culture has been explored, written about, and researched for hundreds of years. After all this time, archaeologists are still excavating and unearthing new artifacts nearly every day. This area seems to be a never ending source of wonder. Scientists are learning from it all the time.

Carcacol is the largest and most impressive sites in the country, and one that will amaze you. It was discovered by loggers in the early part of the twentieth century and has continued to amaze since then. Hieroglyphic carvings cover facades, interior walls, and altars of this ancient city. It is one of the most amazing sights you will ever see.

To really get a sense of just how skilled the Mayan artisans were, you should certainly make a visit to Kunantunich. It is here that you will get to see the gigantic friezes that tell amazing visual stories. If you had to be convinced that this ancient civilization was a wonder of the world, you will become a believer here.

If you are ready for a break from touring ruins, you can choose to spend time relaxing on one of the beautiful beaches, or you could suit up and explore an underwater phenomenon like the Great Blue Hole. It is hard to believe that this is actually a perfectly round submarine sinkhole. Qualified divers are allowed to explore the hole and always marvel at how it keeps getting more intricate the deeper you dive.

The Blue Hole is just a small section of Belize's barrier reefs, formally known as the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System, the largest such system in the northern hemisphere. This is a dream destination for diving and marine life enthusiasts. While it is critical to maintain the integrity of the area, you can respectfully explore the hundreds of coral species, the amazing variety of fish and other aquatic life that inhabits the reefs.

After a hard day of exploring, you can return to your luxury suites to rest and relax. You might take a dip in the pool, eat a fantastic meal, and then settle down to enjoy some world class entertainment. It all sounds just perfect.

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