Saturday, August 13, 2016

Apartments Athens OH Options Offer Smart Living For Renters

By Ruth White

As a home to the notable Ohio University, Athens Ohio offers housing for thousands of students who attend the many programs and career paths. Ohio University is one of the oldest schools in the United States and has a full range of building styles, instructional paths and associated amenities. The students who attend the University have many options in apartments Athens OH area. Here are some things to think about before choosing apartment housing.

For many prospective renters, only the number of bedrooms and bathrooms is considered when looking for a place to live. There are other elements which are as, or more important than the number of rooms. The environment or neighborhood in which the apartment is located is important. The student may want to look for common space for social gatherings, a pool, or tennis courts nearby. Families might be more interested in a park or children's playground.

Whether it is a home purchase, a business or a rental apartment, the location is very important. A location which takes into consideration the main transportation mode is a factor to think about. Choosing to walk or bicycle to work or classes may limit the radius of housing options. Ownership of a vehicle may be necessary for apartments that are at a significant distance from campus, shopping and recreation.

The number of bedrooms and bathrooms is something to consider. The number of people in the household will affect the need for sleeping quarters. The bedrooms may be less important that the common areas for other renters. If there is a need for study space, or children's play area, that must be considered. Those people who entertain may want a larger or better equipped kitchen and mingling space. Food preparation space and storage space can affect the choice of apartments.

Another feature of the apartment complex which is important is the level of security. No one wants to live in a location that feels less safe and secure. Security features which may be present in an apartment include the basics such as good locks on the doors and windows. A sense of community with neighbors can assist in feeling more secure. Other features which add to security are intercoms, key-less locks and remote control or gated access.

For most renters, the budgetary component is the premier feature that drives the decision about which housing works. It is important to look at related costs such as maintenance and repair costs which the renter is responsible for. Many apartments require a deposit to cover damages. Check the rental contract carefully before signing to avoid being charged with unjustified hidden costs.

For students or other first time renters, practicing responsible renting is a benefit in many areas of life. Some employers look at rental history before hiring. The responsible renter pays the rent on time to avoid a hit to the credit history.

Finding the apartment in Athens that meets the needs for desirable housing while in school or working is a matter of deciding the priorities you find most desirable. There are many options from which to choose.

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