Friday, April 6, 2018

Information Contained Within A Tenant Credit Report

By Michael Ross

It is usually very important to complete a credit check on a potential tenant. The information provided can help prevent unwanted situations before they even start. There are certain details that a Tenant Credit Report often includes. The current legal name and address are two of the details that can confirm identification, which may be essential. Loan or debt history and public records are included as well. While there are certain methods to interpreting such information, obtaining them is a good first step.

In many cases, it pays off to know a good amount of information about a tenant before you rent to them. There are some routes you can take to find out these details. One such method is through running a credit check and it can be vital that you do so.

The initial thing that may come to mind when speaking about this record is the actual financial situation of the person. This is one of the components. The information tends to include a list of credit cards and other forms of debt the individual may have. It usually tells of any co-signers that have been required. This type of information can say a lot about past and current financial circumstances.

Public records are generally posted on these types of reports. Some of these include financial aspects such as tax liens and bankruptcies. However, there may be other details added as well, such as past evictions, depending on a person's history.

Usually, anyone who has asked for a credit report is also listed in this information. Normally, the cut-off point is a year. However, even this short length of time can tell you a lot if you are seeing many companies or landlords checking a person's credit.

There is yet another important aspect to this report. This component is that which helps you ensure the potential tenant is who they say they are. This document includes details such as the current name of the person and present address. It lists any different places they have lived in the past two years and other important facts. If the person is married, the name of the spouse is given also. Each of these details should be verified prior to renting to any individual.

In order to run this type of check, you need to already have some information. The person's full name and their social security number are two of them. If they are from another area, they may have a social insurance number or otherwise rather than the SSN. The birth date and the address for the past two years are needed and possibly other things. All of these can be obtained from the tenant application. You also require written permission to perform this check so you are advised to ensure you have one.

A credit check is a great way to find out more about potential tenants. There are some crucial details that can assist you in choosing the best renters. Such reports allow you to verify an individual's identity, look at their credit history and public records, and more. Each of these pieces of information may be what you need to get to know each applicant better and to choose the best ones.

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