Monday, August 27, 2018

Signs In Your Office Space Are An Important Part Of Your Branding Strategy

By Virginia Patterson

Signage is an essential part of making your location known to your clients. Still, it's all too easy to focus all your attention on outdoor signs that you neglect the interior of your premises. It isn't just enough to present a clean-looking Des Moines office space. Indoor signs are of utmost importance in influencing people's perception of your business.

Here's the thing about running a business: Just because you market your brand doesn't mean it will automatically be ingrained in your audiences' minds. In fact, people are so used to being bombarded with marketing these days that they've grown indifferent. Back to the main point, though -- interior signage is crucial in reminding people of where they are once they're inside your premises. Simply put, it subtly helps in growing your footprint in their minds.

Your office is the heart of your business -- it is the one place where you're allowed to showcase your style with no limitations whatsoever. With that in mind, it would be a cardinal sin not to have signage expressing your brand's unique personality. Without it, your workspace might just as well be that of another run-of-the-mill organization.

Don't think that branding your office is all about impressing clients -- it also helps your workplace community feel like they belong there. This in turn paves way for a mood of teamwork and cooperation. Besides, who among them wouldn't love to be reminded of what attracted them to your organization in the first place?

So, what exactly should your signs say? It all comes down to your goals -- whether it's to inform, inspire, or even excite the readers. Keep in mind, however, that today's audience is one used to getting clear and concise messages. Your signage should therefore cut to the chase.

The rule-of-thumb with fonts is to pick from your standard palette, but this goes hand-in-hand using a maximum of 2 per design. Make sure that they complement each other to make your message stand out. Speaking of which, the wording also needs to be legible when viewed from a distance (read large enough).

Choosing colors for interior signage is more of an art than it is a science. However you go about it, be sure to consider the environment in which each sign will be placed. Additionally, it would help to inform your printer of the color scheme you plan to use early on.

While humor may not be what springs to mind at the mention of office signage, it's hard to question its effectiveness in grabbing attention. But what about your professional image? It's not that hard to find something humorous and appropriate for your signs, is it? Besides, most people will be delightfully surprised to see that you have a funny side. Some could even feel motivated to share the joke on social media.

As a rule of thumb, be sure to test-drive your signage after you're done creating it. This should be by studying people's reactions over the course of a few days. Keep fine-tuning the design based on your observations while you're at it. Eventually, you should be able to nail all the elements spot-on.

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